Director, Operations
NECon 2014 has come to a close. While I am sure you are all eager to hear announcements of event winners, first, some words about the finale of our story...
As luck would have it, an unexpected voyage at the eleventh hour took me away from our present adventure; had I known what would transpire on the final day of NECon, I should gladly have remained closer to home. Fortunately, no mortal harm came to our beloved friends, although as I am told it must have been fate alone that prevented a more permanent and final end for some of those involved.
As tensions grew between Saaya and Decode--or the tensions Saaya imagined, as it were--a challenge was thrown down, accepted, and as a server first a non-faction specific 40v40 event was hosted by the two apparant adversaries. It was, in Saaya's mind, the only way to finally prove who was meant to be here and who was meant to be sent packing: whether on foot or in wooden box mattered not in the slightest to her.
What Saaya didn't know was that my original intention was never that Decode should replace her. The Community Entertainment Supervisor and Special Events Coordinator positions were created and intended for the purpose of working as a team, and my hope had been, a well-oiled machine. Though I saw the tensions rising between them over the course of these events, I had hoped to resolve all differences and smooth over the bumps before chaos could occur. I failed in this...
What I could not have anticipated, but was pleased to observe, was that the two would fall in love. Decode, you silly old goat, you'd have made things much easier on your heart and ultimately brutally beaten body (thanks to that final showdown!) if you'd just come clean in the beginning! Silly creatures are those struck by cupid, and often prone to acts without sense. Although he succeeded in capturing her affections, it was nearly too late that he revealed his true identity.
Not until he lay half-dead on the battlefield and she'd come to finish the job did Saaya notice her perceived adversary was, in fact, her beloved. The sword she made as gift to him and the silken sash gave away his secret--none too soon--and instead of the bloody and triumphant end she sought to wreak upon Decode, realization and reason did save him in but the nick of time. In teary disbelief, Saaya removed his mask as he lay there broken and bleeding and in an instant she regretted all the vengeance that had gripped her heart. Her Mystery Man, her Admirer, lay before her; the eyes that met hers on the battlefield that day were not those of her enemy but of her beloved.
By the grace of the gods, Decode is a forgiving man and was no more angry with his lover than one could be towards a newborn lamb. Though it took time to heal his physical wounds, no wound was made in his heart and he only loved her more for her passionate ferocity.
In my absence and failure to prevent this turmoil, I can but attribute it to fate alone that he was saved and that their love can continue to thrive. It is said that now they plan together the next event weekend--one which suits their current state quite well: Lovers' Weekend comes next in their saga and that of Neverendless. I am sure you, the Community, look forward to it with as much excitement and high expectation as I!
As much as we wish to congratulate Neverendless's newest lovebirds, congratulations are also well deserved to the following Champions of NECon 2014!
The Results
I am grateful to all you, Neverendless players, who participated so wholeheartedly in this year's events! Although the winners' list is but a short portion of our participants, we owe our thanks to the Community in its entirety for making this year's celebration an overwhelming success! All rewards, if not yet sent, are in the process of sending tonight! Please check your mailboxes in-game if you participated in any out-of-game events yet to be rewarded. Accounts receiving chips will also have been credited by the time of this post.
Please see the NECon 2014 Event Schedule, Etc. post for full details on rewards per event.
You Be The Director
Two submissions were received for this video contest. First place goes to Shinkai, and Second place is awarded to Beanman. Thank you both for your excellent videos! We hope to see more of your work in the future!
Tell Us A Story
Unfortunately, our storywriting event did not receive much attention this NECon. Two entries were received, but were disqualified due to length and content. Participation rewards have been sent. We know there are more gifted writers out there! We want to see more participation next time around! ;)
Point and Shoot
Congratulations to Mahonri, Navrog and Draconia for taking 1st, 2nd and 3rd place, respectively in our screenshot contest. We received several amazing entries and will feature all of them in our Media section once it is back online. As website uploads are still disabled, please see the Major Events forum section for the winning screenshots.
Dress The Staff
The winners of this contest will soon see his/her work in-game, once our crew can get the new uniforms made.
First place for displays goes to Enlial, with Mahroni following closely behind for Runner-Up. We give honorable mention to Naydenshaco for his display submission as well.
Names and Quotes on the final set will be courtesy of our 1st place winner, Mahroni. Runner-Up names and quotes were submitted by Bittersweet.
Thank you to all participants! Please see our Major Events section on the forums for images of the awarded sets and names/quotes.
Choose Your Own Adventure
Sadly, none of our Adventurers survived their journey. All met an untimely end. For that, we can but award them with a tabard for their efforts. This will be sent by in-game mail upon its completion. For the story in its entirety, please see our Forum Events section for the full story!
In-Game Events
Congratulations to the following winners of our in-game events during NECon 2014!
Jump Event Winners
- Azouri
- Tinyttoon
Maze Event Winners
- Berrtha
- Nargile
- Pepsii
Noggenfogger Roulette Winners
- Pageantbabe
- Tewly
- Filipv
2v2 Tournament - Customs
- Teryy & Poogo
2v2 Tournament - Non-Custom
- Undie & Kidneydude
Teamspeak Events
Congratulations to those who braved NECon 2014's Karaoke and Teamspeak Trivia events and came out victorious!
- Saturday, January 11
- 1st Place - Lau
- 2nd Place - Cedrick
- 3rd Place - Vimilia
- Sunday, January 12
- 1st Place - Ipood
- 2nd Place - Kotori
- 3rd Place - Dragonladie
- Drei
- Saffier
- Mahonri
- Irieth
- Exigo
The End
Once again, thank you to all the hardworking Staff and of course, to all the dedicated players who make NECon not only a great success, but a joy for all involved! I can say with confidence this has been our best NECon yet, and the perfect way to kick off what promises to be a 2014 full of amazing fun and adventure here in our Community! The best Community on the best private WoW server in existence, ONE STEP AHEAD as always, GO NEVERENDLESS! <3