New Policy on Disciplining Hackers
Neverendless has never permitted players to hack, and doing so ensures swift and decisive punishment for a player’s account and IP address.
In order to curtail hacking, a new policy is being put in place.
Effective immediately, first time offenders will receive a 7 day ban of account and IP, as has been the case in the past.
Upon a second offense, the player will again receive a 7 day ban of account and IP and, in addition, the offending character will be stripped of all gear and items and returned to level 1. Donation gear lost in this way may be reclaimed 30 days after the end of the account and IP ban.
A third offense of hacking on the account will merit a permanent ban.
As always, ban avoiding is not tolerated. If a player is caught avoiding his ban, the offending account and IP will also be banned.
While this may seem harsh to some, understand that we are taking these measures to ensure that Neverendless remains a safe and fair place for all to play.