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New Custom Item System Launch
New Custom Item System Launch



Would've been nice if we could've change the looks also...



I don't have any problem with the stats - the only question I have is for myself. Do I really in all honesty want to take my hard earned cash and buy a custom item for which I have limited choice and is probably the same as a few hundred other people's bar the name and quote. I can name my clothes in my closet or buy a few T-Shirts and paint PWN'ed on them.



I can live with the change but its not worth the money we spent



The only thing i was looking foward to with this whole custom saga was to change the look of my custom items but now we cant even do that so no joy to recustom so thx for nothing :(

Totally agree.

Totally agree....... now if you are a paladin and you had a 2h mace and you want to put a 2h sword as a base item you cant... so I obligated to put cryptomaker as a base which sucks for a paladin.. and PAY and extra 5$ for recustom.... I totally regretting the donation that I did.. and I dont want to donate 5$ but Now I am force to do that if I want My weapon to be at least decent



The only thing i was looking foward to with this whole custom saga was to change the look of my custom items but now we cant even do that so no joy to recustom so thx for nothing :(

Totally agree.

Okay they are ;etting you play on the server for no charge, so you should great full that there is a private server as good as this one in the first place.



wont let me recustom a trinket, keeps saying i already have that trinket with that effect, when i dont :/



The only thing i was looking foward to with this whole custom saga was to change the look of my custom items but now we cant even do that so no joy to recustom so thx for nothing :(

Totally agree.

Totally agree....... now if you are a paladin and you had a 2h mace and you want to put a 2h sword as a base item you cant... so I obligated to put cryptomaker as a base which sucks for a paladin.. and PAY and extra 5$ for recustom.... I totally regretting the donation that I did.. and I dont want to donate 5$ but Now I am force to do that if I want My weapon to be at least decent

Yea, i dont know who labeled this as "Recustom" because this is just a Rebalance. We didnt even changed the model. Nvm, ill have to submit my old customs to creation, wait for them to be finished and then RECUSTOM them again to make them diferent.



Yeah these customs are not worth the money i spent ,i paid for OP mage and i got 10% better at best full wrathful gear ,what a waste i WANT MY MONEY BACK PLEASE !

Everything should have stayed the same but haste should have been capped as well as spellpower for paladins mixed with strength ,that was the only issue we had with old customs ,NOW THIS WAS A TOTAL NERFED overhaul for godsake .

Real sad ,real real sad :( that it come to this

Well...I have one thing to say, would you like to have some cheese with your wine? (I say this to my older kids... :)

Come on, all I hear is the Pally's SP issue, but what about mage's and Priest's with stacked haste, and Warlock's able to continually spam fear while draining you dry. Its a work in progress....We all should be thankful that most of the game quests and dungeons are now working, and as well how fast the recent custom bug was addressed....quickly.

Lets face it that the customs were not fair if you had items that were created over 2+ years ago the stats and spells were much higher. So a global change was needed to put balance back in the World of Warcraft, and it will take time to see the benefits of this adjustment.

So thanks Team NE for your continued effort.



well i have some issues as well..

i cant use the ring in ICC the endless one so i USed other ring instead..can I recustonm that back for free?

and secondly i cant change my trinket though i did the right thing it keeps saying that the item cannot be change like armour to weapon..
hello??? its trinket to come i cannot change it?

end is near....



how the fackk i recustom my items im <<<<NaaaaaaaB>>>> and i do not understand pls HELP



Finally, Great job guys, keep in going! :)



i Cant recustome !



First of all if you read what i wrote youd see that i said HASTE SHOULD HAVE BEEN CAPPED.
Second of all Pladins with 6.5k spell power and 3.5k strength was not a toon ,it was an ABOMINATION that needed a total change for others sake .

And third ...if you know ANYTHING ABOUT LOCKS (which i suspect you DONT) you'd also know that you can fear ONLY three times and each time is less effective and the time it takes for fear to break shortens.
After the third time fear is totally useless and cannot be used for the rest of the fight.

Fourth : I dont know one single mage that stacked HASTE pretty sure you dont either ,most i have seen on mages was 1800 haste ,HARDLY HASTE STACKING .

Ask anyone and i mean anyone what the problem was with customs and only 2 subjects would always arise ,.SPELADINS and few nab shadowpriest (we all know who they are )



Right on man ,its the case of "FEW FU...D it up for many" now we all pay the price for abusers and cheats



Fourth : I dont know one single mage that stacked HASTE pretty sure you dont either ,most i have seen on mages was 1800 haste ,HARDLY HASTE STACKING .

mmm... you sure? most of the fd mages had 2.2k base haste and some had the 522 haste proc in trinkets + tier 10 bonus (2 pieces) that make it over 3.3k haste... Trust me, i'm a mage (non custom one).

Should i remember the never ending energy rogues with enough silences to kill a fd priest with just 3 customs or the FD shaman with almost instant flame shock dot, or the custom dk doing 20k dps with just 4 customs and full pvp gear, or the Holy paladins with 40k hp and mana, or the retri paladin with 80% chance to refresh DS's cd and 550 hit rating or the warrior with... huh... well you have a point in that WNWA had all of that but i don't think we should blame a single guild, after all they just copied what they saw, there are other who were the ones who started this.

It was really needed and honestly the only ones that doesn't think the same are old system FD. well, is your time to prove that you were not just customs and that inside all that customs there is some skill (LOL at those sp paladins that were free kill for me in 1v1 and that now doesn't have SP)



yes i agree with you ,rogues were totally bugged also ....with neverending stuns ,warriors with charge and intercept with almost no CD at all but as to mages it is simply not true ,i know all the fd mages builds (all the ones that posed any threat anyway) ,they all had 1800 haste and yes procs(but who didnt have those)

As to shadow priest 2 shotting everyone and spaladins ..well we all know about them there really wanst that much to fix ....rogues were always bugged on this server with or without customs ....think it has something to do with the actual server and not customs at all .

As it stands ,rogues will still be bugged even with the new customs and will stun and kill everything and everyone ,more so now than before coz everything else has been nerfed.

I still believe that those things u mentioned could have been fixed seperately and going overboard and punshing everyone was not the answer ,thats right punishing everyone is the right word ,my lock lost 1500 spellpower and 1400 haste as well as my mage losing about 1000 sp as well as 800 haste ,if i try to increase any of those i have to resort to pve gear which will reduce my resilience to shait( already being **** with 900 resilience just to make the mage and lock retain some of its power).

From one extreme we have gone to another extreme ,i wish they thought about some kind of compromise and not just whack everyone on the head .



I like new system. No more haste stacking Spriests and sp paladins( ah no more absorb 70% of my dmg) . You should say what you want, but now we will see who have really skill and who was just "pro" with old donor gear. That's all from me. Cya ingame ;)



LMAO ....another fd pala lost his temper ....haha stay tuned for more palas to lose it



Forgive me for this outburst in case any admin reads this but seriously these dudes needed to be named and shamed for the abuse and disregard they have shown and of course lack of respect for the old custom system which was fantastic to say the least .

So once again im sorry for names ,i just hope that these wonderful fellas will not find loopholes again in their ingenuity to exploit and find weaknesses in current customs.




battle grounds now are so cool and interesting Congratz for that! but something miss i dont know may be this to can make an unique item to choose some stats not like before but 1-2 items single creation now all got awesome items,and trinkets will be one of the last donated items may be they need +1 socked



First: a huge thanks to all who contributed to the CI overhaul: it's been needed for a while now. I do adore the effort you made, and thus feel compelled to word some constructive critics.

[critics] Custom relics had been absolutely and utterly killed. I mean... +100AP? That's is a laugh. If it were for +200 AP (AP is not nearly worth as much as SP), with some other stats to choose from as well, this would be more bearable, if only slightly. This I dislike with all my being.

Custom trinkets had been, as a matter of fact, very badly nerfed as well. (Why? I think everyone can imagine, what the main strength of the trinket is. It's the spell effect on it. Thus giving a mere +50% to the stat when we had 2 stats and 2 spells earlier... is a little too hurtful. I agree, that trinkets were vastly overpowered the way they were previously, but the nerf is a little bit too dramatic. A socket of choice might help mitigate this pain and increase our customization options) [/critics]

And the "spells only on chest and leg pieces" is driving me mad (guess who doesn't have the fitting armor pieces, but other, which he did have spells on... or... can they be recustomised to another type...?).

I would love, if some more attention would be given to these issues... The rest of the system seems fine though. No more heavy stacking. Thumbs up and keep up the good work!



Another thing that saddens me greatly is, that the weapon type can't be changed during the reclamation process. Who would ever have thought, that it would matter, whether I make my weapon a polearm, a staff, or a mace? We didn't know that it would ever limit our options of choosing any item template. As a consequence, It did not matter then what we were choosing. It should not matter now either.



idea for relics: put a prismatic slot and remove the stats entirely.



Honestly, when is new sistem launch i was wery disappointed beacose i didnt know what to expect... But after cople deys spendind and pley with new custome i cen honestly sey RILY RILY RILY awesome job NE!!! New sistem is awesome....

Gatorraid the immortal


I gotta say i was skeptical about the new custom system but after its been implemented its better than thought
i did get a little weaker
im a tank
i gained 4k life
lost 10 % block chance
lost 6k mana
lost 3 dodge
lost 5 parry
list 150 spell resist

all in all still a nerf but not too bad



I need help: my trinket: I can get right.


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