Director, Operations
There has been some confusion about "ownership" of character names since the Deathwing launch. While we clearly stated that no one would be permitted to sell character names, the information regarding what happens if your long-time name is "stolen" has been a bit mixed.
After discussion with Blackswann, we have come up with the following solution: if you feel that your Arthas character name has been wrongfully stolen on the Deathwing realm, you may put in a general support ticket. For your name to be returned to you, you must meet the following requirements:
- You must currently have a character on the Arthas realm with the requested name on the account from which you are making the support ticket.
- Your Arthas character with the requested name must have held the name for the past 6 months.
- You must have been an active player for the past 6 months (activity will be reviewed by and Admin).
- Tickets submitted for a name reclaim must be submitted by the end of June 9, 2012 (server time applies).
If it is determined that the name will be returned to you, the player currently holding the name will be renamed at an Admin's discretion.
Please note that if you are not granted the requested name, the decision is not appealable and is to be respected. Any negativity, disrespect, or other poor behavior due to disappointment about these decisions can result in actions taken against your account, as always. Fair warning. ;)
All that being said, I am glad to see that the majority of you are enjoying the Deathwing realm and we appreciate your support and patience as we work through the bumps in the road, so to speak! You are an awesome community, Neverendless, and we love you for it!