Director, Operations
Lately we have seen a rather serious increase in support tickets for "Lost Accounts". Please refresh your memory of our policy on Account Security: you, and you alone are responsible for the security of your account.
Neverendless does not tolerate the selling of accounts, period. Discussion of giving away or trading accounts in public channels is also not permitted. We realize that we cannot stop you from giving away or trading your account but we would like to take this opportunity to remind you that if you do it, you are taking a big risk. We cannot protect you. We cannot change the e-mail address on the account for you. We cannot return any lost custom items without the appropriate transaction IDs. In short, you need to know exactly what it is you are doing when you trade an account, and what you stand to lose. In our experience, account loss, theft, hacking, etc. occurs ONLY when information is shared.
Our emphatic advice is that you never share your account information with anyone. By keeping your information private, keeping your computer free of viruses, keeping control of your e-mail account, and putting an authenticator on your account, you can protect yourself from account loss.
Please take heed of this warning and secure your accounts today!
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. :)