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Ok the winds are going the right direction... Lets do this thing!
Ok the winds are going the right direction... Lets do this thing!



hmmm just think out loud but what if we just started from scratch...

For those of us who remained with NE, when everybody else including members of the staff jumped ship, that would be a tremendous slap in the face. If I wanted to start over, I would have done so elsewhere, when everybody else left two years ago.

Resetting everybody's characters, guild banks, gold levels, and gear sets gives zero reason to return to NE. Everybody that left moved on. They either returned to retail, or found another server with a better "core". Nostalgia alone isn't enough reason to return to NE, especially if people have to start from scratch.

NE's biggest problem is the core. It's not customs, or people controlling the auction house. It's the codebase underlying the server that was problematic at launch, and has only gotten worse as other server development surpassed us. The only thing NE can do is fix the core. A core that needs to at least approach that of "the District" or "the Mane". If that can't be achieved, than NE might as well remain as it is. ICC remains bugged, not to mention Ulduaar and the rest.

NE's strength has always been the community. A community that I have personally tried to keep afloat with Defenders Of The Crown. When the other guilds left or stopped trying, we ran every working weekly raid we could. We were the last guild to have members donate. We remain the only group who has been loyal to NE.

The complaints remained the same from people leaving. Fix the core. They weren't complaining about customs or stacking. Several members that I still talk to would love to return for "old time's sake". When they heard about starting from scratched, all of them used a litany of expletives not fit for publishing here. The kindest response I received was, "That is absolutely insane. Why would I leave my current server, where every raid works, including the classics, to return and start from scratch on NE."

Bringing people back is the easy part. Keeping people after they return is the hard part. NE would have to offer a product leaps and bounds better. Making people start from scratch will make them even less forgiving. Having everything they worked for remain provides incentive. Losing it means why bother. Especially if the core has unresolved issues.

I really hope you do not implement a total reset. My gut feeling is that this is exactly what will happen though.



Remove custom gear and put Heroic and Wrathful sets for people who donate



hmmm just think out loud but what if we just started from scratch...

Realistically that may be required depending what it is you and the team are trying to achieve and what is being reset. I honestly don't know how active i will be but i think i would still be around as long as the people i play with are around, i could always remake a new character. Here are some of my thoughts on that matter..

If everything is reset (levels, gear, gold, guilds/names?) I think the response from the players of NE is fairly evident in the replies to your comment above. Starting from scratch has the risk of potentially driving veteran players away..

However... a full reset is probably one of the better options for the server as a whole; all players would be on an 'even' playing field with no massive gear gap between veterans and newer players, a fresh economy to boot.
(Hell in theory could this involve a full progression through the Wotlk patches too or is that thought going too far? :p)

To really bring this server back it will need more than just the veterans commenting on this post, it will need new players, and they will need a reason to stay here. To me it is reasonable the likelihood of new players staying is increased if potential issues like the economy and gear gaps are removed from the get go.

And with all that said lets see what everyone else thinks...

I personally am against a full reset. The "even" playing field is not even an issue, when new players come we (veterans) welcome them and help them to gear up like DoTC has always done for years, but for that we need our toons and guild bank. A fresh economy is a given considering that there is none at this point. Gear gaps will always be there, it takes months, even years to get the end game gear (if you dont donate) and for that you need a strong guild that supports you.
I can easily say that DoTC will help all new players that are willing to stay.



I would be a fan of the gold reset, I myself am capped on 2 or 3 characters I believe..

If as a whole the server didn't want to reset the gold completely we could knock it down by a certain percentage..?
Idea: Knock it down 85% and leaves roughly 32.1k at gold cap.. I might personally take it down even lower if that is how we go about it.. But I am not sure how difficult this would be to do..

As for an entire reset of the server, I do not like that idea. That would take away most, if not all, of the reason for me to come back to NE.. I have a lot of play time, achievements, mounts, etc. on many of my characters. And to go back and do it all again would not make me want to come back..

See you all soon.

Why reset the gold? Why punish those of us who stayed loyal and worked hard to build our assets up? That same pool of resources will be needed to build and buy gear, to help future players progress within the game.



Why do I keep seeing '' players'' in '' Who'' section but can't speak or add or invite them?



Why do I keep seeing '' players'' in '' Who'' section but can't speak or add or invite them?

Why do you think?







Remove custom gear and put Heroic and Wrathful sets for people who donate

Most of us that donated got wrathfull/heroic gear anyway so it wont be a plus for us.



Remove custom gear and put Heroic and Wrathful sets for people who donate

Most of us that donated got wrathfull/heroic gear anyway so it wont be a plus for us.

Relentless is less or more so easily to achieve right now.
Wrathful gear shouldn't be given away so easily, furthermore players will be BiS endgame in 2 days and get bored xD.
We need the right balance between a blizzlike hardcore game and a chill, have fun and get geared server.



Does anyone has a link for me to download wotlk again? so that I can take a look on NE myself? :-)



unban all my friends. and u will see much higher population.
and make next step.
Bobby answer support tickets.



Removing customs wont help, you need to add restrictions. Like if its a piece for a Paladin it can only have either strenght or spellpower. And the reset idea is awful, is that how you will pay people who have been loyal and have been playing on NE even in its current state?



Remove custom gear .
Players who donated back chips on acc's that may choose HC ore PVP items (wrathful)for themselves.
Neverendless with no costums will bee OP server.
Restarted All.

Delete all ,Start from scratch. (99% HC items from ICC Players get from time when he could hack ICC).



Player's with level 80 start with Relentless.



Also gotta give us an update on the new core bobby. I have no idea how can you possible satisfy both sides new and old. make a poll somewhere maybe? well anyways id like to keep hard earned non donor items :3



Let us know when the decision is made.



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