Development Team Leader
Hello Ladies and Gentlemen, As promised last week (albeit a little later than originally announced) I'm proud to present the latest addition to the Neverendless Toybox - Neverendless Plus.
Neverendless Plus itself is a collection of features, tools and toys to enrich your gameplay experience here at Neverendless, and includes the Website Auction house, Remote Guild chat, and most importantly the new Plus Chat system.
What is Neverendless Plus Chat?
Plus Chat is a new chat system which was designed to help with the multiple realm situation, modelled on Blizzard's chat. Apart from global, there's no way for you to be on Deathwing and talk to your friends playing on Arthas and so on. Plus Chat allows you to talk to your Plus friends regardless of which character, which account or which realm they're on.
All you have to do is create yourself a 'Plus Tag', install the add-on, and add your friends' Plus tags to your friends list. You can stay in touch with your Plus Friends from wherever you are on Neverendless, and even upload your own avatar and create group conversations with your friends.
Basic Plus Chat support has also been added into Remote Chat (Which is also making a reappearance today after being offline for a couple of weeks for a complete rewrite). Remote Chat's support for Plus Chat will be gradually improved over the coming weeks, but for now it supports the basic features of viewing your friends list, whispering your friends and participating in conversations.
To get started with Plus Chat, simply visit the Plus Tag page, set up your Plus Tag, and download the addon. Check it out, and enjoy.
You will also notice that some of the posts below have a section under the character/avatar with their plus tag, name, avatar and status on it. You can decide when and how your plus tag information is displayed on your posts after you create a plus tag. Due to these privacy settings you might not see your friends' tags on their posts if you're not logged in.