In the interest of better serving you -- our members -- we have revised the way we release points. You will find that the system will now be more forgiving, and reward on your personal efforts as well as the community efforts. Many of these features have come from the requests made by you, our members.
The simple version is this: each vote is now worth AT LEAST 1 Vote Point! Each time you vote, you will receive at least 1 point for it, and more points the higher we rank up on the topsites! So, keep voting, and enjoy the fine rewards we provide in the Vote Shop! We hope this change will make it a more enjoyable experience.
Also, since this last week's rewards were a bit disappointing, we will be awarding a few extra Vote Points to everyone that contributed last week, in gratitude of your efforts and an expression of our apology for the light rewards.
Voting is necessary to the survival of this community. We MUST rank high on those topsites to achieve success and stay alive -- that takes your help. For your help, we want you to feel rewarded -- yes, we provide a server free of charge, along with dozens of amenities and regular updates (and we're even working on improving that!) -- but we want you to directly feel rewarded for your contributions in voting.
So, in summary, these are the changes we're making for you:
- Each vote = AT LEAST 1 Vote Point; more the higher we rank.
- A one-time gift of a handful of points to those that voted last week.
- Free quest items for most broken quests (coming soon!).
Thank you for being part of all we do, Neverendless. We work hard, day and night, to make this community the best -- and with you, we achieve it.
~ Crescendo
P.S. See my comment on page three of this article for some more information. :)