Administrative Assistant
- Added check to prevent unknown forum name
- Added more referral options
- Changed style of forums to be mobile friendly.
- Fixed donation services.
- Fixed some backend forums tools.
- New background that is more mobile friendly.
- Prevent posting if no topic name is set in forums.
- Allow miss chance to exceed 60% cap with certain auras
- Combat/threat system rewrite
- Death knights area rework (continued)
- Don't allow client control to character if is affected by any lose of control state.
- Fix a crash that could happen if a player moved very far away from a creature they were in combat with
- Fix a potential exploit allowing players to damage a boss without them taking damage
- Fixed Global cooldown Cancellation on spell interrupt
- Numerous Core and DB fixes.
- Properly notify client about invalid channel names
- Some changes to LoS
- Added Forbidden_Stuff System
- This will remove items / spells from players that should not be given out on player login.
- This will also log every character who is to have one of these.
- Children of Goldshire
- Hellfire event
- Added interrupt immunities to some bosses
- Added missing cosmetic colors and emotes to Big Ooze (Rotface)
- Algalon the observer scripts
- Correct gold drop for Lady Deathwhisper
- Corrected Val'kyr Shadowguard positioning on heroic mode (Lich King)
- Few changes to how Ysida behaves during the Baron run
- Fix possible crash in Obsidian Sanctum
- Fix an issue that was causing Bloodlord Mandokir to keep casting Frenzy after a wipe despite Oghan being alive
- Fix Arthas in CoS losing his gossip flag and halting instance progress
- Fix issues with 'Squeeze' on Yogg-Saron encounter
- Fix loot for various icc trashmobs
- Fix Millhouse Manastorm resetting dialogs after Skyriss encounter
- Fixed amount of Mole Machines in Razorscale 10 Man
- Fixed and improved spell "Curse of Boundless Agony" target selection (Boss Kalecgos)
- Fixed blizzards following same player in Sapphiron encounter
- fixed Festergut applying more than one stack of Inoculated at once
- Fixed Ingvar the Plunderer evade in phase 2
- Fixed Naxx Anub Scarab Summoning Spell
- Fixed number of Laughing Skull summoned on Yogg Saron
- Fixed possible crashs related with JustDied
- Fixed Sindragosa spawn after grid unload
- Flame Leviathan script
- Hadronox fix
- Lord Jaraxxus
- Malygos now uses modifiable threat list when teleporting after vortex. Fixes a crash.
- Prevent Halion respawn without loot
- Prevent Lady Deathwhisper movement during first phase.
- Priestess Delrissa scripts
- Reduce Twin Val'kyr berserk timer from 10 minutes to 8 minutes on normal mode
- Ruby Sanctum boss/mini
- boss white damage updates
- Script for The Beast
- Set up correct rare drops for Shadowfang Keep exclusive items
- Stratholme Residents should no longer rudely interrupt Arthas by punching him in the face while he's giving a righteous sermon on his reasons for wiping them all out
- Transition Gnomeregan to boss states (instance spawn group prep)
- Trial of the Naaru: Tenacity spell now casts
- Tyrannus
- Valithria Dreamwalker's script no longer despawns unrelated mobs in Frostwing Halls
- Add heroic mode spawns of a lot of gameobjects
- Call to Arms! Gossip
- Fix ICC Runeforge
- The Shadow Labyrinth door Lever
- Burst At The Seams
- Changed channel triggered spells to inherit positive/negative status from main spells
- Fingers of Frost proc
- Fixed drink auras
- Fixed Enervating Brand in Baltharus encounter
- Fixed Lava Burst crit when Flame Shock is present on target
- Fixed Nature's Guardian proc
- Fixed Shapeshift using macro
- Fungal Decay
- Glyph of Renew interaction with Empowered Renew
- Improved Stormstrike proc
- Magic Absorption
- Magma Totem no longer generates threat
- Mana potions in druid forms
- Mirror Image re
- write
- Plant Warmaul Ogre Banner
- Prevent applying Aspect of the Beast on pet load if owner has switched aspects
- Remove 'Vanish Purge' hack
- Restrict Karazhan book buffs to that raid
- Roar of Sacrifice
- Sanctified Wrath
- Scatter and Silencing shots should be instant
- Spirit of Redemption
- Tail Sting
- Un
- Rubik's cubed Poisoned Spear (for Ymirheim Defender)
- Unstable Affliction
- Vampiric Touch
- Wild Growth
- Barbecued Buzzard Wings
- Fix fishing loots for some areas
- Potion of Petrification
- Shifting Naaru Sliver
- Test of Lore (Part 6)
- Val'anyr Hammer of Ancient Kings
- Vanquisher's Mark of Sanctification loot chance
- Added Core Hound Pup
- Add two Draenei Artificer spawns
- Apothecary Keever
- Arcatraz Sentinel
- Clam Master K
- Deadmines rework
- Deatholme Darkmage
- Deatholme Necromancers
- Dream Vision
- Dun Morogh Coldridge Valley loot tables redone
- Fix Koralon the Flame Watcher loots
- Fix Nether Drake Inhabittype
- Flame Leviathan
- Gossip for Ag'tor Bloodfist
- Gossip for Fallen Hero of the Horde
- Gossip for Illiyana Moonblaze
- Gossip for Kelm Hargunth
- Gossip for Primal Torntusk
- Gossip for Rutherford Twing
- Gossip for Samuel Hawke
- Gossip for Thassarian
- Gossip for Witch Doctor Uzer'i
- Gossip for Zorbin Fandazzle
- Gusting Vortex
- Harbinger Skyriss
- Hinterlands Scripts for NPCS
- Kalaran Windblade
- Land Rager
- Living Storm
- Make neutral guards attack players involved in PvP
- Master Smith Burninate
- Mire Hydra
- Remove Tamed Sporebat spawns, summoned as pets by other npcs
- Risen Wintergarde Mage
- Riverpaw Shaman missing spawns
- Script for Draenei Artificer
- Scripts for Alterac Mountains NPCs
- Scripts for Badlands NPCs
- Scripts for Chief Plaguebringer Harris
- Scripts for NPCs in Shadowfang Keep
- Scripts for Runes Stone Giant
- Scripts for Stranglethorn Vale NPCs
- Searing Gorge scripts
- Sister Svalna gold drop
- Skulking Witch invisibility
- Thunder Bluff Kodo
- Tirisfal Glades Deathnkell loot tables redone
- Trial of the Crusader rework
- Udalo
- Wildlord Antelarion
- Warp-NPC
- You can now buy teleport tokens at increments of 1, 5, or 10.
- You can now see your token Balance via the NPC. (Can always see it anytime with .money)
- Fixed some spelling mistakes.
- A Rough Ride
- Add more quest greeting
- Amphitheater of Anguish
- An End to All Things
- An Injured Colleague
- Battle at Valhalla Quests
- Deliver the Gems
- Emotes for Horde & Neutral quests in Desolace, Thousand Needles and Stranglethorn Vale
- Feralas Quest Emotes (Horde)
- Find the Gems and Power Source
- Freedom to Ruul
- Gerenzo's Orders
- Identifying the Brood
- Knight's Orders
- Massacre at Light’s Point
- Questioning Reethe
- Rescue from Town Square
- Return to Witch Doctor Uzer'i
- Sabotage
- Seeping Corruption (Part 1, 2 & 3)
- Set Them Ablaze!
- Swabbin' Soap
- Territorial Trespass
- That's Abominable
- The Amphitheater of Anguish Quests.
- The Cudgel of Kar'desh
- The Emitter
- The End of the Deserters
- The Endless Hunger
- The Escape
- The Key to Freedom
- The Mark of Vashj
- The Ring of Blood Quests
- The Torch of Retribution
- Tran'rek (breadcrumb quest)
- Translating the Journal (Part 2)
- Weapons of Spirit
- Words of Delivery level conditions
- Zapped Giants
- Fixed name issues with cross realm chat.
- Fixed some conflicts in ChannelBot