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Winds of change
Winds of change



To the entire Neverendless-Wow universe and all those that have come and gone over the years.

Hello Folks, Longtime no see or hear from me huh???

Well Real Life has been kicking me around a great deal over the last year to say the least. I have had many major RL changes and am finally getting back to a place that I can once again focus on my beloved NE.

While I was away many people have left, quit or whatever the case. I am going to be making so big changes to the server. Probably closes the two extra realms and focusing strictly on WotLK. We are also considering several other changes to our humble home in Azeroth. The most inmportat to the player base would potentially be resetting the database and removing custom items. Now before anyone goes on a rant here in comments, lets clearly understand that NOTHING is decided as of now. Many many hours of discussion and debate are going to occur prior to any changes. We have done very well in the past but the future needs to be fresh and clean. The exact details of the changes will be added soon.

One Step Ahead is where NE needs to be and I will assure you that is where I am going to take the server.


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