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Community Opinion: Modified End-Game on Deathwing?
Community Opinion: Modified End-Game on Deathwing?


Director, Operations

Please see this post by Blackswann in the Chatbox and feel free to vote and state your opinion!

The question at hand... Should we add modified end game gear to Cataclysm? The idea being you would be able to get 5% higher stats as the original in game item but not extra sockets or spells. You can still change the look to meet you desires and add a quote. The current customs on Arthas are 10% higher in stats and have numerous sockets and spells. Eliminating this would add an air of elitism to your gear yet stay in a non buggy/op item. It would be very much like premade sets that you can skin yourself.


You must see the forum version to vote on the poll. Thank you in advance for your input. ;)



custom items ....



hmm custom items on deathwing
I dont think that most players will want that but idk that :P



I know i will stop play on that realm... NO COUSTUM ITEMS ON CATA!!!


Director, Operations

Please make sure you've also answered the poll if you have an opinion to contribute. ;)





pls don,t add customs in cata



im playing on DW caus of noncustoms..... ill quit NE when they put customs on DW





I like Deathwing becouse of NON Custiumed arenas, battle's please dont put customs on deathwing



i dont like the higher stats idea i only like the part when u can change look on ur gear



Also i like it as it is without custums is so much more fun.
I quit playing arthas couse i was tired of custums , i have donor chars there and thats enough in my opinion.

If we would have custums on deathwing i would like it to be custums with normal ingame gear stats so u just can choose your look but nothing else



so no more customs=dead server.



Simple ad short -> No customs.



The thing is, how many people would donate if the only thing you get is a new look? I think 5% higher stats would be great. I don't have customs myself, but that doesn't make me hate it. Customs wouldn't be such a bad idea on Deathwing.



Customs items will destroy NE... Don't do that pls and don't allow again custom items in Arthas(i mean arena,and i say this even if i have customs....).



I do not take place in increments of% DW, my reason is that in DW blizz changed the damage to many class where you can kill with a blow or two. do that is to give much power to the donor, in my last bg had almost every buff of all kinds but my potions and make a hit 57k I am not a donor. A Donor can make a major blow to me. I do not want to imagine a full house when you can do donor. sorry my English is not very good and it is my opinion about the increase in %



Customs on Deathwing= Dead server...



It was supposed to be a non-custom realm
Any way I vote No



I could care less about custom gear, I just want the Dungeons/Instances to come out before I have to go to college in a month



I think 5% will be a lil bit to high maybe 2-3% in stat increase will be fine. Also i was wondering about the look aspect of the gear how will this work with the Transmog option that is available in game sooner or later (i hope). If Transmog is implamented in game do players need to danate to use it?



i think is a bad idea, being 5% or 10%, let the customs for arthas, in deathwing we are good with retail items, i think.



If costum on Deathwing people will quick NE



Custom LOOKS would be okay - But custom stats? Although that gives those who support the server an advantage I just can't see it going down well with the community as proven above by all these people..



No Custom gear please..its unfair



Customs = Dead of NE

actually they are looking for ways to increase the donations on DW, coz ppl isnt donating

but you got to know that ppl, me included are waiting for a more bug free realm to donate

coz a realm where all is bugged really doesnt make you think about donate

its logic

that's why ppl donate more on arthas

think on the beggining of arthas
ppl didnt donate when all was bugged

so give time to time
dont hurry
coz u can ruin a great vault of money on long therms

try to think like a business manager



I think the server is working properly so, prefer to not put custom items. but then the server has to benefit somewhere, I understand that. so, although I do not think we want them, arrived: P



Without the stat increase is just Transmutation so of course something would have to be offered. What has been suggested here makes sense, Its a minor increase, 5% is not a lot, a single BOK from pala is 10% and with the same effects, that would be great.

At the moment customs on arthas are OP because of the way the stats are worked out, The suggestion here is to have a standard item, so for example a weapon with 300 str and 300 stamina would have 315 str and 315 stamina, not a massive increase, but enough to pique a donators interest.

If they allowed character transfers and recustoms from arthas I would personally be donating that for 5 characters and i am sure i'm not the only one.

Sorry but most of you are being selfish, you won't donate until more bugs are fixed, you play for free! Don't begrudge those people who actually dig into their own pockets something for their trouble, it's good business sense and giving back to people who give to you!



well the problem with Transmog we need a new patch and i dont belive that gonna happen anytime soon :(
but i will be here and waiting for it to com



It will be okay if you make a cap like 3-4 items max... Someone with full set would be op (not like in Arthas but still op).. and blizzard made transmogrification..
My opinion is yes, but with restrictions.

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