Director, Operations
As of now, there will no longer be any all-out healers allowed in any of the 1v1 PvP Events held by the Battlemasters.
Why, you may ask?
First of all, healers are group assist players, not DPS. That is why they are necessary in 2v2+ PVP Events.
Second of all, it's a 1v1 PvP battle, and if you're an all-out healer then you're doing too much healing and not enough PvPing. It's not fair to the rest of the participants and honestly it's not even a fight.
To make it more balanced for everyone, we are only allowing a maximum of 20 talent points in any of the following healing specs: Restoration druids, Restoration shamans, Discipline priests, Holy priests, and Holy paladins. If you have any more than 20 talent points in any of these specs during a 1v1 PvP Event, you will be disqualified from the event. The posted rules for the event will be changed accordingly.
Furthermore, although this has already been mentioned in the 1v1 PvP events, we will emphasize it again here: During the event, regardless of what spec you are, all competitors are required to cast a damage spell at least every 30 seconds. That does not mean an instant cast spell. It must be a spell that has some cast time.
Now that we have resolved this issue with the healers, we’re happy to say that the Battlemasters will resume hosting the 1v1 PvP Events. Hopefully, everyone can abide by these rules. Let’s keep it clean and fun, and happy hosting to the Battlemasters!