Administrative Assistant
- Various DB fixes
- Clear charmed/possessed state before returning client control.
- Many backend fixes that players will not notice.
- Death Knight area rework continued.
- Shadowmoon Valley various fixes
- fix crash with Gordunni Trap
- Midsummer Fire Festival _ Fixed gossip conditions
- Fix conditions for spells used by Sjonnir The Ironshaper to summon npcs
- Fixed hover movement for Stormcaller Brundir
- Add missing hover animation to Olrun the Battlecaller
- Gnomeregan
- Steam Vault
- Main chamber Door now opens correctly.
- Fix an issue that could cause Sapphiron to stop using Drain
- Bountiful Feat no longer selectable
- Fixed Line of Sight for Object Spells.
- Remove deprecated objects
- Fixed Taunt
- Alchemy stones proc
- remove hack that caused aura to not be applied and saved twice on owned auras, causing an error on save
- Apply resilience on Vampiric Touch and Unstable Affliction dispel effect
- Fixed proc regression with Missile Barrage
- Fixed target checks
- Hypothermia
- Cleanse Ata'mal Armament
- Throw Booze
- Seaforium Blast crash fix
- Fixed delayed hit aura crash
- Weakened soul shouldn't remove stealth
- Barbecued Buzzard Wings
- Fen Strider Tentacle
- Sporebat Eye
- Apothecary Keever’s test subjects scripts
- Deathguard Elite now uses Crossbow for ranged attacks
- Stormwind City Guard now uses Crossbow for ranged attacks
- Flight Master NPC racial language on Aggro
- Mordent Evenshade
- Sentinel Stillbough
- Torwa Pathfinder goosip
- Northern Crystal Pylon Gossip
- Eastern Crystal Pylon Gossip
- Western Crystal Pylon Gossip
- Scripts for Arkkoran Clacker
- Scripts for NPCs in Un’Goro Crater
- Scripts for NPCs in Blasted Lands
- Gossip for Karna Remtravel
- Un’goro Thunderer
- A-Me 01
- Gossip for J.D. Collie
- Gossip for Jediga
- Fixed creatures ignoring immune.
- Training Dummies are now rooted.
- Junior Apothecary Holland
- Ashtongue Deathsworn
- Shadowmoon Soulstealer
- Add missing scripts to some guards.
- Scripts for NPCs in Burning Steppes
- Gossip for Laris Geardawdle
- Ghouls start with full energy
- Blastmaster Emi Shortfuse
- Gossip for Jes’rimon
- Gossip for Spark Nilminer
- Sha’ni Proudtusk’s Remains
- Mountaineer Pebblebitty
- Gol’dir
- Advisor Duskingdawn
- Summoned Voidwalker
- Summoned Succubus
- Goosip for Vindicator Vedaar
- Betrayed
- The Temple of Atal’Hakkar
- The Corruption Abroad
- Nothing but the Truth
- King of the Mountain
- Rhapsody's Kalimdor Kocktail
- Invaluable Asset Zapping
- Blessing of Incineratus
- Defiling Uther's Tomb
- Tomb of the Lightbringer
- Veil Skith: Darkstone of Terokk
- A Fine Mess
- Keeping Pace
- The Ancient Statuette
- Helcular Revenge
- The Rescue
- Smith Mathiel
- Rot Hide Ichor
- Hallowed Scroll
- Glyphic Scroll
- Heartswood
- Hearts of the Pure
- Onu is Meditating
- The Flesh Lies
- Fixes to cross realm/service system
- Added NE
- BOT system
- Added new cross realm/service chat system