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"How to Verify Your Tv"
"How to Verify Your Tv"



"If you're a YouTube content creator or manage a channel, you might be considering how to achieve verification on the platform. Tv entails obtaining a badge displayed next to your channel name, signifying to viewers that they're accessing the official version of your page. This verification also unlocks additional features that can enhance your YouTube marketing strategy.
Achieving verification on YouTube is a straightforward process, but there are specific requirements you must meet before applying. In this guide, we'll outline what YouTube verification entails, the benefits it offers, and the steps you need to follow to become verified on the platform.
What is YouTube Verification?
YouTube verification indicates that YouTube has reviewed your profile and confirmed your identity. Once verified, viewers can see that your account is legitimate.
Benefits of YouTube Verification:
Obtaining YouTube account or channel verification can help establish trust with your audience. A verified badge signals that your channel or account is official, instilling confidence in viewers that they're receiving accurate information from a trusted source. Other benefits of YouTube verification include:

  1. Upload Longer Videos: Verified accounts can upload videos longer than the default 15 minutes.
  2. Livestreaming: Verified channels can livestream, provided they have no livestreaming restrictions in the past 90 days.
  3. Custom Thumbnails: Verified channels can upload custom thumbnails for their videos, enhancing visual appeal.
  4. Content ID Claim Appeals: Verified accounts have the ability to dispute Content ID claims, which occur when uploaded content matches that of another YouTube video.

YouTube Account Verification vs. on your mobile Badge:
It's important to note that there are two types of YouTube verification:
  1. Account Verification: Available to all YouTube users in good standing, account verification confirms that you're a real person and not a bot. This involves YouTube sending a verification code to your phone for confirmation.
  2. Channel Verification (YouTube Verification Badge): Reserved for channels with 100,000 subscribers or more, channel verification requires submitting a verification form for review by YouTube. Upon meeting the criteria, your channel receives a verified badge, strengthening trust with viewers.

Who Can Get Verified on YouTube?
To qualify for a YouTube verification badge, you must meet these eligibility criteria:
  1. Complete Profile: Your YouTube channel must have a banner, description, and profile picture, along with regularly posted content.
  2. Authenticity: You must accurately represent yourself, brand, or entity without falsifying age, name, or identity.
  3. 100,000 Subscribers: While 100,000 subscribers are the standard requirement, YouTube occasionally verifies channels with fewer subscribers on a case-by-case basis.

If you're aiming for YouTube verification, ensure your channel meets these requirements and focus on growing your audience. Once eligible, you can apply for verification and enjoy the benefits of a verified status on YouTube."

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